Career Coaching

These are challenging times for many. It is difficult to know what career direction to choose in normal times. It is even more difficult after interruptions caused by Covid.

As a Career Coach, I am trained to help individuals discover a career that aligns with their natural strengths and unique gifts.  The Kolbe A Index for adults, and the Student Aptitude Quiz (ages 10-18) will give you a unique view into how you naturally take action when you are free to do things “your way”. This is where your talents and strengths shine.

Once you know your preferred way of taking action, the Kolbe career assessment will offer you numerous career options that align with your strengths.  With coaching we explore those career options, find the right college major or career for you. The result is a career that feels natural and a greatly increased sense of job satisfaction and freedom.

If this message resonates with you, then I invite you to reach out to me for a free 30-minute consultation call to see if our working together can assist you or your young adult on the path to creating a dream career.